Are You Managing Your Business’s Reviews on Yelp? Here’s Why You Should
Oh, the magical world of Yelp. It can be a business owner’s biggest fear and best friend all at once. And you may ask yourself, “Why do my reviews on Yelp matter?” Simply put, your reviews on Yelp can go a long way in establishing your business’s credibility. They can become one of the most powerful word-of-mouth marketing tools there is in today’s digital age.
As many as 178 million unique visitors travel to Yelp each month to read reviews on restaurants they’d like to try, products they may purchase as gifts, and even dentists they’ll visit for cleanings. Of those, 92 million come from mobile phones alone. Around 93% of consumers will read reviews online before making a final decision, so to limit yourself to shoppers who don’t use Yelp would be to miss out more or less entirely. So, say it with us: “My reviews on Yelp are important.”
A Brief History of Yelp
Yelp was founded in 2004 by Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons. The two were formerly employed by PayPal and wanted to create a company that utilized the internet to get online reviews and recommendations out to the public. In the early days, Yelp relied heavily on funding and investments while its visitor base developed. After going public in 2012, the company became profitable for the first time in 2014.
As the platform’s popularity exploded through the 2010s, the thought of how to add your business on Yelp became more and more important. Yelp even began making memorable appearances in TV shows and pop culture. In South Park’s 19th season, the episode “You’re Not Yelping” gave viewers a satirical, comedic take on the ever-growing world of online food reviews through Yelp as many of the show’s characters battle to become the town’s most influential Yelp reviewer.
Today, Yelp is home to 244 million cumulative reviews. The site helps guide people around the world to the highest-rated restaurants, shops, and services. The platform even helped researchers at Columbia University uncover food poisoning outbreaks by reviewing keywords in customer reviews. So, when you think about why your reviews on Yelp are important, understand that it goes so much further than just the stars customers use to rate their experiences.

The Benefits of Your Reviews on Yelp
While it is always important to get the highest rating possible, the benefits of Yelp, especially today, are much greater. Here are some ways Yelp can transform how people think about your business.
Yelp Builds Credibility
Have you ever stumbled upon a business that had no reviews whatsoever? It can be off-putting, right? Our words hold a magical power when it comes to reviews. The more reviews we see about a business, especially positive ones, the more likely we are to give it a try. Think about it this way: 91% of people regularly or occasionally seek out online reviews. On top of this, 84% say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends and family.
As more people begin to give their input on your business, it will go a long way in convincing others to try it out. “Why do my reviews on Yelp matter?” Because perception can be game-changing.
Yelp Can Help Your Business Stand Out
You always need to find new ways to stand out against your competition. Through your reviews on Yelp, you can establish an advantage through positive reviews. The more compliments you receive on your service, products, or overall quality, the better chance you’ll have of finding new customers—and potentially winning over others from the competition.
“My Reviews on Yelp Led to Higher Sales.”
For business owners, being able to give the above quote means everything. Yelp reviews can help take you there over time. As your business begins to build credibility and stand out, more and more people will begin to be exposed to your products and services. Success stories are a wonderful part of our competitive world. Yelp’s case studies page includes a number of eye-opening stats about the platform’s reach.
In one case, a hotel manager in Lake Tahoe, California said advertising on Yelp helped increase call volume by 150%. Other owners and industry professionals talked about Yelp revolutionizing their sales and ROIs. When deciding how to get your business on Yelp, paid advertising on the platform continues to gain traction. It’s time to stop ignoring the power of your reviews on Yelp.
Yelp Reviews Can Shed Light on Needed Improvements
While this one sounds a bit like a negative impact at first, it can ensure you’re doing everything possible to provide customers with the best experience. Nobody likes a bad review, especially ones that are out of spite, but if you notice a collection of reviews about the poor taste of certain foods or the quality of certain products, your reviews on Yelp can help you fix problems that may have lingered without the opinions of the public.
How to Add Your Business on Yelp and Manage Reviews
Before you begin to see reviews come through, you’ll need to set up your business’s Yelp page. The good news is that Yelp is completely free unless you decide to purchase advertising packages. By filling out your page with accurate information and displaying Yelp branding on your website and at your business locations, you’ll let customers know that their words matter. Because Yelp is designed to be powered by genuine and unbiased opinions, it is important to keep in mind that you should not ask for reviews or offer rewards in exchange for positive reviews as it may harm your business’s Yelp rating.
“How Can I Manage My Reviews on Yelp?”
It can be tricky to sort through the stream of comments and respond to satisfied or unsatisfied customers, especially when you have so much more to worry about when running your business. That’s where Momentum comes in. Our powerful, all-in-one service makes finding, converting, and connecting with new customers effortless. Through 45 listing services, including Yelp, Momentum is here to help your business grow.Our team of SEO and marketing experts will help drive traffic to your business, grow your revenue, and make sure the best reviews always stay at the top of your pages through predetermined keywords and consistent, careful monitoring. Get started with us today!
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